Statement on the Offshore Wind Champions report
- The Crown Estate
The Offshore Wind Champions report highlights the critical importance of how we need to work together to further accelerate the transition to a green, secure energy future. Over the last 25 years, the UK has built a world leading offshore wind sector and we’re proud of the role we have played in supporting its sustainable development. This has included co-investing in projects and research, bringing industry and partners together to overcome common barriers, creating a world class offshore renewables data and evidence base and establishing the £50 million Offshore Wind Evidence and Change Programme.
Gus Jaspert, Managing Director, Marine said: “But we recognise that what has worked to this point across the sector won't be enough to deliver a renewable energy transition fit for the future. In an increasingly busy marine environment, all those involved need to work together to comprehensively plan how we can roll out more offshore wind and faster, support new technologies and ultimately achieve net zero and energy security alongside a thriving natural world.
“Given our unique position between the private and public sector and aligned with our remit, we’re continuing to engage with Government and industry to ensure we successfully maximise and deliver the future potential for offshore wind.”
For background:
The Crown Estate is a significant national landowner with a diverse £16bn portfolio that includes urban centres and development opportunities; one of the largest rural holdings in the country; Regent Street and St James’s in London’s West End; and Windsor Great Park. We also manage the seabed and much of the coastline around England, Wales and Northern Ireland, playing a major role in the UK’s world leading offshore wind sector. We are a unique business established by an Act of Parliament and occupying a space between the public and private sector. We are tasked with growing the value of the portfolio for the nation and returning all of our net profit to HM Treasury for the benefit of the UK taxpayer. This has totalled £3bn over the last ten years. Through our activities and investments, The Crown Estate creates environmental, social and financial value both for now and into the long term. This includes:
Playing a significant role in unlocking renewable energy for millions of homes through sectors such as offshore wind and creating opportunities for new technologies like CCUS and hydrogen to deliver the UK’s energy security transition, resulting in thousands of jobs for communities across the UK.
Identifying and creating opportunities for thriving and resilient communities across the country to support regeneration, housing and innovation. Supporting the sustainable transformation of land use in the UK through diversified, regenerative agricultural and environmental best practice alongside a thriving natural world.
Becoming recognised as a centre of excellence for environmental and ecological best practice across the Windsor Estate. Ensuring London retains its global city status, by fostering a more vibrant, greener and inclusive destination for millions of visitors and businesses.