Freedom of information
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) and the Environmental Information Regulations establish a general right to information held by public authorities. Requests can be made by anyone, anywhere in the world.
As part of our responsibilities as a public authority, we have a publication scheme which allows access to a range of information. Please follow the publication scheme link on the right to find out more.
If you have any questions, or would like to make an information request, please write to us at enquiries@thecrownestate.co.uk
Publication scheme
Please find details of the information available about our organisation below. If you need further information which you cannot find online, please contact the Transparency Manager at: enquiries@thecrownestate.co.uk
Who we are and what we do
Find out information on The Crown Estate’s history and our leadership.
Read our annual report, find supplementary reports and our annual report archive on the same page.
You can find information about our governance processes, including the legislation that underpins our work, the HM Treasury and The Crown Estate Framework, committee terms of reference, information about the Board and declarations of interest on the Governance section of the website.
Find out information about The Crown Estate’s approach to sustainability and about the diverse elements of our business, what we do and how we do it.
If you have a question, please contact us.
What our priorities are and how we are doing
Read our annual report, find supplementary reports and our annual report archive on the same page.
Learn more about The Crown Estate’s purpose and strategy.
Find out more about diversity, equity and inclusion, including gender pay gap, on the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion section of the website.
How we make decisions
Read our annual report, find supplementary reports and our annual report archive on the same page.
Find out information about The Crown Estate’s approach to sustainability and about the diverse elements of our business, what we do and how we do it.
Find out more about diversity, equity and inclusion, including gender pay gap reporting, on the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion section of the website.
Our policies and procedures
Find out information on our whistleblowing process and complaints procedure. Read our privacy statement and modern slavery and human trafficking statements.
The Crown Estate Pension Scheme
You can find information about our pension scheme by reading The Crown Estate Pension Scheme Implementation Statement, The Crowne Estate Pension Scheme – Chair’s Annual Statement and The Crown Estate Pension Scheme Statement of Investment Principles.
Lists and registers
You can find information about our governance processes, including declarations of interest for Board members, key personnel and Group Leadership Team on the Governance section of the website.
Find out more about diversity, equity and inclusion, including gender pay gap reporting, on the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion section of the website.
The services we offer
The Marine Data Exchange makes a wide range of geological, meteorological and ecological data available free of charge, primarily collated from the offshore wind industry.
The Open Data Portal also provides GIS and map data as well as a coastal title and ownership viewer and information on preferred projects for offshore wind leasing.
We also have an offshore wind electricity map and foreshore and estuary ownership map available for reference purposes. Details of The Crown Estate’s ownership are also available via our Asset Map.
We also publish answers to frequently asked questions, which includes information on licenses and permits, and provide updated news and resources.
Information about careers at The Crown Estate, including our approach to diversity, equality and inclusion, is available on the Careers section of the website.
Transparency reporting
Please find below our transparency compliance statistics for information requests received under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR).
Disclosure logs
Please see our disclosure logs for more information.
Transparency reporting statistics
Transparency compliance statistics 2022
Download (92KB)Transparency compliance statistics 2021
Download (157KB)
Publication scheme resources
Annual Report 2023
Download (13.7MB)