Data & evidence
Better data outcomes through collaboration
There is a wealth of data and expertise within the marine community. We work in partnership with other data providers to strengthen the evidence base as a collective.
We recognise the importance of working in partnership with the wider marine data community and leveraging the expertise and specialisms of our partners, to drive efficiencies and to ensure that innovation is maximised. We do this through developing strong working relationships with the data community and by actively participating in initiatives that add value to our customers and stakeholder, such as:
Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN)
As sponsors of MEDIN we are actively driving improved access to data and promoting greater data stewardship, through the adoption and promotion of MEDIN Data Standards and alignment with the MEDIN Data Archiving Centre network.
Offshore Energy Digital Strategy Taskforce
As a core member of this group we provide oversight and guidance on the implementation of regulation, policy and guidance that can drive a data strategy and digitalisation across the offshore energy sector.
As a Data Member we endorse greater access to bathymetry data that can facilitate an increase in the coverage and quality of seabed mapping data. As an active member of the Managers Group for the UK Centre for Seabed Mapping, we promote greater coordination of survey effort to realise efficiencies and prevent duplication.
Image credits
Top: © Martyn Guess/UPY 2023